In every aspect  related to dentistry and teeth, there is always a smile and face involved.  Therefore, with any advanced dental disease process, the dimension of the face is significantly reduced,. which then affects  the appearance, form and function of all the muscles of mastication, and  all  the facial muscles.
My practice and expertise involves providing advanced solutions for the patient which involves all modalities including the reconstruction and rehabilitation of missing, broken down teeth, atrophied bone  and loss of facial muscle tone, to re-create form, and  function. This  involves advanced 3D digital dental technology ( CT scans)   to aid in the guidance for rebuilding the foundation that hold teeth by use and means of platelet rich plasma (PRP), to aid in bone growth, sinus lifts,  and implant placement. Once the form and function of the teeth and jaw have been established, strategic use of appropriate natural materials  are critical in the external soft tissue to help recreate that lost smile.  Recently ,  NovaThreads, has now introduced the use of  PDO’s or pollidioxanone (PDO) threads, which  have been used outside the US for many years.  to provide those seeking a natural and  safer option to anti-aging.


After hundreds of hours in advanced training with the International Dental Implant Association (IDIA),  I completed my Fellowship in 2014, followed by  the completion of a  Mastership and Diplomat Certification in  Feb 2015.
Additional advanced education with the Amen Clinics, the world leader in neuropsychiatry. I  have access to specialized tools and resources to help patients struggling with brain-related conditions such as anxiety, depression, memory problems, learning disorders, weight issues, and addiction.  Many of these issues can stem from infections originating from diseased teeth and gums, which then can lead to  affecting the  overall health.
My GOAL  is  to  create a pleasant experience for our patients at every single visit.  My PASSION and calling in life is to HEAL,  and bring your SMILE out, from WITHIN you.
In my desire to create a pleasant experience for anxious and fearful patients, I began using certified therapeutic essential oils to reduce the high anxiety and fear that many of my patients had in common.  Eventually, I created a blend called :Happy patient= Happy Visit”.   Then, one of my dearest patients referred to the blend as being “Heavenly”.   Soon many of our patients began to ask for “Heavenly”,  before their dental procedures, as they stated it significantly reduced their fear while here..
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